ISSN (Print): 2588-1442
Journal of Health and Development Studies is the first, official, peer-reviewed, international, and scientific journal of Hanoi University of Public Health. JHDS’ mission is to:
1) Publish scientific research work of staffs, lecturers, students, domestic and international partners of Hanoi University of Public Health, as well as provide timely and informative updates on education, science and technology, professional practice, and internal and external cooperation of Hanoi University of Public Health;
2) Enhance the research capacity, science and technology exchange of staffs, lecturers, students, and partners of the university; and
3) Facilitate the domestic and global dissemination of high-quality information science and technology to promote the practical application of theory and knowledge within the domestic and international community of lecturers, scientists, managers, policy makers, and business owners.
Journal of Health and Development Studies Introduction (Video clip)