Objectives: This study aims to evaluate the appropriateness and scalability of two human resources (HR) tools in HIV/AIDS prevention and control in all seven piloted provinces in Vietnam after one year of application.
Methods: A mixed-method approach was employed in seven provinces in Vietnam from December 2021 to March 2022. An online cross-sectional survey was administered to 234 health staff who have directly applied the HR tools and qualitative interviews included 24 in-depth interviews with key informants involved in the process of applying the tools.
Results: This evaluation demonstrated the appropriateness of the HRM-supporting tools in addressing existing HRM challenges and their compatibility with local requirements within the HIV/AIDS prevention and control setting. Moreover, feedback from stakeholders, including health managers, policymakers, and decision-makers at the national, provincial, and district levels, indicated a strong commitment to accept and incorporate these tools into routine HRM practices, ensuring the scalability of these interventions beyond the HIV/AIDS sector.
Conclusion: The use of HRM-supporting tools should be a priority in future HIV/AIDS programming efforts and be scaled up in the whole healthcare system and other areas in Vietnam, conducted collaboratively with local stakeholders and adapted to evolving local contexts and needs.