Objectives: Mortality data is vital information on the health status of a population, especially data from developing countries such as Vietnam. This paper describes the mortality status by specific cause in Hanoi city in 2017 from A6 document.
Method: A cross-sectional study recorded death records of Hanoi residents who died between 1 January 2017 to 31 December 2017 from the death registration system (the A6 document) in 22 over 30 districts in Hanoi. Causes of death were classified based on the International Classification of Diseases, tenth revision (ICD-10). Descriptive statistics were used to show the mortality status of Hanoi citizens in 2017.
Results: There were 20,256 death records in 2017 in Hanoi obtained in this study. The predominant cause of death was non-communicable diseases, particularly cardiovascular diseases, malignant neoplasms, and respiratory diseases. The mortality rate of males was higher than that of females.
Conclusion: This study reported the death incidents by cause in Hanoi, Vietnam with a high percentage of missing. This raised the utter need for updating the death registration system.