a Van Tinh1, Nguyen Duc Thanh2*, Cong Ngoc Long2
1 Yen Son district hospital, Tuyen Quang province
2 Hanoi University of Public Health
Objective: Patients’ satisfaction is one of the important standards measuring the quality of hospital healthcare services. The study evaluates the patients’ satisfaction with the quality of healthcare services and associated factors at Yen Son hospital, Tuyen Quang province in December, 2016.
Methods: The cross sectional study was applied with use of SERVQUAL model of 5 dimensions.
Results: The results showed that patients were relatively satisfied with quality of healthcare services, the mean score of 3.99 over 5. The lowest mean scores of 3.91, 3.95, and 3.96 were respectively observed in the dimensions of assurance, responsiveness and sympathy. Age, education and male of the patients were factors associated with quality satisfaction of healthcare services.
Conclusions: The findings suggested that the leaders and managers in Yen Son hospitals should develop and implement plans to improve the quality of healthcare services, especially focusing on the dimensions of assurance, responsiveness and sympathy and the items of the rest dimensions with the mean score under 4.
Keywords: satisfaction, Servqual, health care services
*Corresponding author: Nguyen Duc Thanh
Work place: Hanoi University of Public Health
Email: ndt@huph.edu.vn