Vu Thi Huong1*, Dang Vu Phuong Linh2
1Preventive Medicine Center of Ca Mau province
2 Hanoi University of Public Health
Objective: This study was conducted to determine the microbacterial contamination rate in bottled water and the association between the microbacterial contamination rate and food safety and hygiene conditions at production facilities of bottled water.
Methods: It was descriptive cross-sectional study and conducted from January 2017 to July 2017. Participants in the study consisted of production facilities in Ca Mau province.
Results: The microbacterial contamination rate in bottled water in Ca Mau province is high (25,32%); There is an association between the microbacterial contamination rate with some food safety factors. The quality of bottled water in some facilities is still contaminated by microorganisms. Research shows that the majority of microbacterial contamination is located in facilities where food safety at the facility is not guaranteed, the direct producer does not have adequate knowledge of food safety.
Conclusions: Food safety should be ensured in compliance with Decree 16/2012/TT-BYT; periodical supervision, self-checking mechanism should be developed and strengthened; post checking and supervision should be strictly implemented by authorized agencies; IEC should be strengthened in combination with enhancement of roles and responsibilities of consumers in terms of supervision and detection of food safety violation.
Keywords: microorganisms, bottled water.
*Corresponding author: Vu Thi Huong
Address: Preventive Medicine Center of Ca Mau province
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