Luu Thi Minh Nguyet1*, Vo Thanh Quang1, Chu Huyen Xiem2
1 National Otorhinolaryngology Hospital
2Hanoi University of Public Health
Objective: The study was conducted with the following objectives: (1) Describe situation of continuous training for nurses at the National Otorhinolaryngology Hospital from 2014 to 2016; (2) Find out some factors influencing continuous training for nurses at the National Otorhinolaryngology Hospital from 2014 to 2016.
Methods: A cross-section study combining quantitative and qualitative research and using secondary data is applied.
Results: The results showed that from 2014 to 2016, nurses participated in 21 training courses with several topics, averagely 1.5 times per nurse per year; 14.6 class-hour per year which is not enough under the regulations and 25% of nurses have not attended fulltime of one class yet. Factors which affected the organization of continuous training include work overload, lacking of staff specialized for training, theoritical teaching method and unsuitable specialized trainers.
Conclusions: It is recommended that the hospital (1) need to increase the training to at least 24 class-hour per year and (2) the training courses should be organized in the form of combining theory with practice, have certificate or end-of-course examination and selection of trainers appropriate to the nursing profession.
Keywords: Continuous training, Nursing.
*Corresponding author: Luu Thi Nguyet Minh
Work place: National Otorhinolaryngology Hospital