Le Van Loc1, Hoang Khanh Chi2*
1Department of Health Yen Bai Province
2Hanoi University of Public Health
Objectives: To describe the compliance with some regulations on private health care practice of private healthcare facilities in Yen Bai City, in 2017.
Methods: This was a cross sectional study. Location and time of study: Yen Bai city, Yen Bai province from March to September 2017. Subject of the study: private healthcare facilities and people who are responsible for the facilities in Yen Bai City.
Main findings: The proportion of private healthcare facilities meeting the general regulatory standards of private health care practice reachs over 90%. However, some standards were not met such as medical waste treatment (24.7%), available emergency transport vehicles inside and outside the facility (55.8%), insuffcient number of drugs in the anti-shock box case (28.6%) and emergency medicine cabinets (55.8%).
Conclusions: Provincial Health Department and District Health Offce should reinforce monitoring and supervising to ensure suffcient medical equipments at private healthcare facilities and sanction the facilities for disobeying the regulations. For private healthcare facilities, they should perceive the nessecary of medical equipments for emergency needs as well as ensure its availability as defned by the state regulations.
Keywords: Private healthcare facilities, healthcare inspection, local healthcare.
*Corresponding author: Hoang Khanh Chi
Work place: Hanoi University of Public Health
Email: hkc@huph.edu.vn