Do Thi Hanh Trang1*, Ta Anh Tuan2, Truong Thi Kim Duyen2
1 Hanoi University of Public Health
2 National Pediatric Hospital
Objective: To assess the situtation of ventilator-assosciated pneumonia prevention practice and to explore the relation between demographic, work environment-related and professional training factors with ventilator-associated pneumonia prevention practice among nurses working at ICUs at the National Pediatric Hospitals.
Methods: Cross-sectional design was used. Data were collected from 161 nurses working at all four ICUs of the hospital through using a selfadministered questionnaire and an observation checklist.
Main findings: 62,1% of the nurses met the criteria for good ventilator-associated prevention practice. The correlates of the practice included education qualifcation, work experience, type of ICU where the nurses were working, average number of patients taken care of by the nurses in one shift, collaboration with doctors in ventilator-associated pneumonia prevention, and the number of trainings in hospital infection prevention.
Conclusions: The hospital should enhance measures to improve nurses’ ventilatorassociated prevention practice with special attention paid to continuous training and effective human resources management in order to lower work pressure and encourage collaboration between nurses and doctors in care, assuring safety and effective treatment for patients.
Keywords: practice, ventilator-associated pneumonia, nurse.
*Corresponding author: Do Thi Hanh Trang
Work place: Hanoi University of Public Health