Ho Thi Thu Van1, Hoang Duc Luan2, La Ngoc Quang3*
1 Krong Bong District Health Center, Dak Lak
2 Medical College of Phu Tho
3 Hanoi University of Public Health
Objectives: Describe the knowledge and practice of malnutrition prevention among M’Nong ethnic mothers in Yang Mao commune, Krong Bong district, Dak Lak province.
Method: A cross-sectional descriptive study design was used with 181 mothers of children aged 0-24 months.
Main findings: General knowledge on malnutrition prevention was 40.9%. Of which: breastfeeding knowledge: 74.0%, complementary feeding: 81.8%, child care: 21.5%. Overall practice was 27.6%. Of which: breastfeeding practices: 91.7%, complementary feeding: 72.4%, child care: 67.4%. Signifcant statistical factors were found: mothers with lower secondary education had 2.5 times less knowledge about child nutrition care than mothers who graduation from junior high school or higher; mothers had two children having poor knowledge of child nutrition care were 1.8 times more likely than mothers with one child and those with poor knowledge of child care were twice as likely compared to non-poor mothers.
Conclusions: Knowledge and practice of M’Nong ethnic minority mothers with children under 24 months old in Yang Mao commune on malnutrition control are low with the related factors such as education level, number children in the family.
Key words: Knowledge, Practice, Malnutrition, Related factors, Dak Lak
*Corresponding author: La Ngoc Quang
Work place: Hanoi University of Public Health
Email: lnq@huph.edu.vn