Nguyen Nhat Linh1*, Nguyen Minh Tuan2, Nguyen Thanh Huong1
1Hanoi University of Public Health
2Department Medical Equipment and Construction, Ministry of Health
Objective: This paper aims to describe availability of some core medical equipment and health service providing at grassroots level in Vietnam.
Methods: The paper used data collected from the World bank’s 2015 Vietnam district and commune health facility survey in 246 Commune health centres (CHC) and 78 district hospitals.
Main findings: only 5.1% hospitals and 17.1% CHC had all kind of core medical equipment. Prevalence of non-functional equipment was 6.5% in CHC and 5.2% in district hospital. Besides, the mostly un-provided health services in district hospital were reproductive (25.6%) and child health services (23.1%); while it was diabetes treatment in CHC (14%).
Discussions: It is nessesary to invest in medical equipment and medical equipment management in the grassroots level of care. In addition, further researches are required to fnalize the guidance on the on the appropriate medical equipment portfolio for commune and district health facilities.
Keywords: core medical equipment, grass root, health facilities, availability, functional status.
*Corresponding author: Nguyen Nhat Linh
Work place: Hanoi University of Public Health