Objectives: This paper aims to describe the availability of essential medical equipment and health care service delivery at grassroots - level health care in Vietnam.
Methods: The paper employs descriptive statistics method using data collected from “Vietnam - District and Commune Health Facility Survey 2015” carried out by the Health Strategy and Policy Institute (HSPI) in partnership with the World Bank in 246 Commune Health Stations (CHSs) and 78 District Hospitals.
Results: Only 5.1% of hospitals and 17.1% of CHSs had all kinds of core medical equipment. Percentage of non-functional equipment was 6.5% in CHSs and 5.2% in district hospitals. Besides, the most insuffcient health services in district hospitals were reproductive health services (25.6%) and child health services (23.1%); while 14% of CHSs could not provide suffciently diabetes treatment which was one of the high demand health services.
Conclusion: It is necessary to invest in medical equipment and medical equipment management at the grassroots level of care. In addition, further research is required to fnalize the guideline on the appropriate medical equipment portfolio for commune and district health facilities.