Objectives: The study was conducted to describe the reason of initiation and perception of e-cigarettes consumption among young users aged between 18 - 30 years in Hanoi in 2017.
Methods: A qualitative research method with a phenomenological approach was used in this study. We used a snowball technique to invole participants. A total number of 11 e-cigarettes users, aged between 18 – 30 years in Ha Noi particiated in the study. Of whom, 8 persons were current e-cigarettes users, and 3 persons used to be e-cigarettes users.
Results: Among smokers, attempts to quit smoking were reported as a reason for starting to use e-cigarettes. Other reasons for trying e-cigarettes were curiosity, the offer of other people, being attracted by e-liquid flavors and taste, creating smoke or showing off. Smokers found that e-cigarettes are likely to be much less, if at all, harmful to users compared to conventional cigarettes. It was better not to be addicted in any drugs, however, addicting e-cigarettes was more likely to be accepted by other people, such as family members and friends.
Conclusion: There is a lack of multidimensional and objective information on e-cigarettes, particularly information on the effect of e-cigarettes in quitting smoking and on the health of users. More research on these issues need to be conducted and their results be disseminated.