Objectives: The study aims to describe the situation of musculoskeletal pain, risk of chronic musculoskeletal disorders and work-related factors among female sewing machine operators in Tien Thuan Garment Limited Company in 2017.
Methods: A cross-sectional design study was conducted among 932 female workers in sewing line using the Orebro Musculoskeletal Pain Questionnaire.
Results: Body sites with most reported musculoskeletal pain were lower back (44.1%), shoulders (41.1%), neck (34.2%), upper back (24.6%) and extremities (11.9%). Most participants reported pain in one body site (54.4%), two sites (17.9%) and only 2.7% of them experienced pain in all investigated body sites. 91.6% of cases had musculoskeletal pain on at least one body site in the previous 12 months. More than 90% had a low risk of chronic musculoskeletal pain and 6.8% had high or moderate risk. Adjustable desks (OR=0.35, 95% CI: (0.18 – 0.70)) and chairs (OR=0.45, 95% CI: (0.24 – 0.86)), extreme heat exposure at work (OR=4.4, 95% CI: (2.39 – 8.08)), frequent bending work postures (OR=2.5, 95% CI: (1.23 – 5.0)) were related with the risk of chronic musculoskeletal disorders pain.
Conclusion: Risk of chronic musculoskeletal pain: high risk 0.5%, moderate risk 6.3%, low risk 93.2%. Factors: Adjustable desks and chairs, extreme heat exposure at work and unhealthy work posture are related with the risk of chronic musculoskeletal pain.