Nguyen Thuy Quynh1*, Phan Thi Thuy Chinh2, Tran Thi Thu Thuy 1, Nguyen Thanh Van1
1Hanoi University of Public Health
2National Institute of Occupational and Environmental Health
Objective: To describe the status and related factors of after-shift health symptoms among municipal sanitation workers in Hanoi, 2017.
Methods: A cross study was conducted in the first 6 months of 2017 on 1622 waste collection and treatment workers from two companies URENCO and Thanh Cong cooperative in Hanoi.
Main findings: Three most common aftershift symptoms were pain, numbness in the shoulders and arms (65.8%); pain, numbness in the lower back (61.7%) and pain, numbness in the neck (63.3%). Musculoskeletal disorders were the groups of symptoms with highest cases report (96.3% experienced at least one symptom), followed by respiratory symptoms (45.6%) and ophthalmic problems (39%) The severity of most after-shift symptoms was mild and moderate. 64.7% of workers reported more than 5 symptoms after working shift. The rate of after-shift symptoms among groups of women workers, primary and secondary educations, working more than 8 hours per day, night shift, and performing more than 4 tasks per shift were 1.6 to 2 times signifcantly higher than the other groups.
Keywords: after-shift health symptoms, municipal sanitation workers.
*Corresponding author: Nguyen Thuy Quynh
Work place: Hanoi University of Public Health