Le Minh Dat1*, Nguyen Dang Vung2, Nguyen Thi Cham2
1Center for Population Health Sciences, Hanoi University of Public Health
2Institute of Preventive Medicine and Public Health, Hanoi Medical University
Objective: Describe the satisfaction of the elderly of health care services quality of Dien Hong nursing house in 2017.
Methods: A cross - sectional study included all participants who were living in Dien Hong nursing house, Ha Dong, Hanoi from January to March 2017. All participants were interviewed through an available structure questionnaire.
Main findings: 56.8% of participants were female. Most elderly came to nursing house because their children did not have time to take care about them or the need to be monitored and treated chronic diseases. 90.9% of the participants were involved in acupressure massage service; 29.6% used rehabilitation service. Nearly 70% of the elderly were satisfed with the quality of the nursing house service.
Conclusions: Most of the elderly were satisfed with the quality of Dien Hong nursing house service. It was necessary to expand the model and the number of similar nursing houses to meet the needs of the elderly.
Keywords: Elderly satisfaction, nursing house, health care.
*Corresponding author: Le Minh Dat
Work place: Center for Population Health Sciences, Hanoi University of Public Health
Email: lmd@huph.edu.vn