Tran Thi Bich An1*, Ha Van Nhu2
1 Huynh Kim Pharmaceutical Product Co., Ltd.
2 Hanoi University of Public Health
Objective: to describe the attachment of clinical nurses to the hospital and analyze related factors.
Methods: a cross-sectional descriptive study with the combination of qualitative and quantitative research had performed in May 2017 at Thu Duc Hospital, Ho Chi Minh City. The participants were clinical nurses who had been worked at least 01 year at the hospital. Data were entered by the Epidata Software 3.1, and analyzed by the SPSS Software 18.0.
Main findings: 56.6% of clinical nurses attaching to hospital. There were 04 factors related to the attachment of clinical nurses to the hospital (Adjusted R Square: 0,52), in which, working environment was the strongest factor to the attachment (β = 0,35), the next is applause, reward and recognition of achievement (β = 0,26), coworker relationship (β = 0,16), fnally, chances for training and developing careers (β = 0,13).
Conclusions: 56.6% of clinical nurses attaching to hospital. The reseach found out 4 factors related to the attachment with 52% impact level.
Keywords: attachment, clinical nurses, Thu Duc Hospital.
*Corresponding author: Tran Thi Bich An
Work place: Huynh Kim Pharmaceutical Product Co., Ltd.