Ngo Hoang Dung1*, Huynh Minh Chin2, Nguyen Huy Ngoc3
1 Dau Tieng Ditrict Health Center
2 Bau Bang Ditrict Health Center
3 Phu Tho General Hospital
Objectives: to estimate the level and rate of willingness to pay for the periodical health check-up services (PHCS) for the elderly in Dau Tieng District Health Center in 2017, and to determine a number of related factors.
Methods: The a cross sectional descriptive study design was applied for data collection in our study. The data were collected of 380 elderly who already used PHCS at Dau Tieng District Health Center from February 2017 to April 2017. The data were then entered into EpiData management software 3.1. Statistical analyses were carried out by Stata software 12.0.
Main findings: the average payment for the PHCS of 380 elderly was 267,900 VND (including people who were not willing to pay for the PHCS). The average payment of elderly who willinged to pay for the PHCS was 777,100 VND. One third of the elderly were willing to pay for the PHCS. Factors related to the amount of payment and willingness to pay for the PHCS were: sex, education level, marital status, income, household ranking, distance from home to a healthcare centre, the frequency of annual health check-up, the attitude about the PHCS and be counseled about the role of the PHCS.
Keywords: willingness to pay, periodical health check-up services, the elderly.
*Corresponding author: Ngo Hoang Dung
Work place: Dau Tieng Ditrict Health Center