Nguyen Duc Luyen1, Hoang Van Minh2
1 National Geriatric Hospital
2 Hanoi University of Public Health
Objectives: 1) Describe the current situation of appyling information technology in management of medical examination and treatment at national geriatric hospital, 2017; 2) Examine the advantages and disadvantages of the process of appyling information technology in management of medical examination and treatment. Methods: Information technology infrastructure, software’s users and managers. A cross-sectional design was applied, using both quantitative and qualitative approaches.
Main findings: National Geriatric Hospital had 2 servers, 135 computers, 77 printers with 5/8 software modules. Software modules met 6/7 technical requirements and achieved 63% - 95% of the content criteria. The challenges for appyling information technology in management of medical examination and treatment were lack of funding for IT, lack of specialized staffs and incomplete technological infrastructure.
Conclusions: The information technology infrastructure basically satisfed the requirements in in management of medical examination and treatment. However, the IT system had not been systematically organized. All sub-criteria were still not qualifed. The benefts of appyling information technology in management of medical examination and treatment were highly appreciated by the users.
Keywords: Hospital management, health information technology, software module.
*Corresponding author: Nguyen Duc Luyen
Work place: National Geriatric Hospital